The Trinidad and Tobago Heart Foundation
The Trinidad and Tobago Heart Foundation (TTHF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that focuses on educating the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago about cardiovascular disease (CVD) - also known as heart disease, advocating for healthy lifestyles to help reduce the prevalence of CVD. We promote heart health awareness, healthy lifestyles and proper dietary habits, highlighting the risk factors for CVD including hypertension (high blood pressure), obesity and smoking, in an effort to reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke.
The Trinidad and Tobago Heart Foundation (TTHF) was incorporated on 17th April 1998 and is governed by a Board of Directors which serves on a voluntary basis without any honoraria or allowances; its projects are self-financed largely from corporate sponsorship, donations from the public and fundraising activities.
The TTHF is a member of various regional and international associations and foundations including:
The TTHF’s signature events include:-
An Annual National Heart Walk and Health Fair
Public Lectures
A National World Heart Day Lecture
Go Red for Women Red Dress Event
The awareness programmes that the TTHF provides are:
Community Health Fairs and Outreach Programs
The Go Red for Women Campaign
Our Vision and Mission
A decrease in the rate of NCDs in Trinidad and Tobago, specifically Cardiovascular Disease, through the cooperation, awareness and contributions of all stakeholders in society which include government, corporate entities, NGOs and the citizens.
To assist in the prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in Trinidad and Tobago by creating awareness of heart health, healthy lifestyles and proper dietary habits in an effort to reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke in Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Objectives
AWARENESS: To promote healthy lifestyles to lower CVD.
EDUCATION: To educate the community on preventative avenues to sustain healthy hearts.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: To raise funds for research and development in heart disease prevention.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH: To encourage heart professionals to give of their resources to community education.
COLLABORATION: To collaborate with the State (and other NCD organisations) on setting health policy matters such as food criteria, tobacco legislation and budgetary provisions to support CVD eradication.
Board of Directors

Mr. Ronnie Bissessar
Dr. Pravinde Ramoutar
Vice President

Mrs. Joan Awardy

Ms. Risa Basdeo

Dr. Sabita Harrikissoon
Go Red for Women Chair

Mr. Decoursey Redman

Dr. Jeremy Badhal

Dr. Lianne

Dr. Naveen Seecheran

Dr. Neil Roopchan

Mr. Rishi Ramcharan

Ms. Salma Nagir

Mrs. Shaliza Ali-Maraj